Helgoland harbinger

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The Helgoländer Vorbote (HV) is a fortnightly satirical newspaper published in the Ruhr area with a daily updated online offer. The AGM was founded in 2004 by the journalist Timo Rieg.

Journalistic attitude

The makers understand their satire product primarily as journalism, which is why (satirical) research makes up a good part of the activities. This is intended to brush current political issues against the grain. In addition to politicians, the editorial team is primarily targeting the media. An important category is "satire", which is used as a meta-level and a. Documented court rulings on freedom of satire.

Actions / special contributions

  • In the summer of 2005, the Helgoland forerunner named the “best hecklers in the Bundestag”. For this purpose, the editors had evaluated all plenary minutes of the 15th legislative period. Almost all the current media reported.
  • In autumn 2005, the Heligoland harbinger chose the MPs who could tell the best political jokes. To this end, all MPs were asked - mostly by telephone - about their favorite jokes. Here the research / acquisition was the essential satirical action, the end result was only the end point.
  • In the spring of 2006, the Helgoland harbinger, together with cabaret artists and authors, forged a "journalistic alliance against foreigner hate speech in politics and the media" and published numerous third-party contributions in the process.


  • The Helgoland harbinger works with several cabaret theaters, including Stratmanns
  • Since May 2006 there has been a content cooperation with pardon
  • Since June 2006 the newspaper has been cooperating with “spiegelkritik.de”.

Web links