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The hemiepes (Greek "half epic verse"; plural hemiepes ) is the first part of the epic hexameter in penthemimers in ancient verse theory :

—◡◡ — ◡◡

It can therefore as catalectic dactylic trimeter be interpreted and corresponds to the minor archilochian , thus also plays a role in archilochischen stanzas and is also an essential component daktyloepitritischer verses (especially in Pindar and Bacchylides ), where in the shorthand notation of it Paul Maas withD.referred to as. Furthermore, the dactylic pentameter can be seen as consisting of two hemiepes.

It appears in engraved form only in the late Latin poetry of Ausonius .


  • Dieter Burdorf, Christoph Fasbender, Burkhard Moennighoff (ed.): Metzler Lexicon Literature. Terms and definitions. 3rd edition Metzler, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-476-01612-6 , p. 311.
  • Gero von Wilpert : Subject dictionary of literature. 8th edition Kröner, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-520-84601-3 , p. 336.