Sacred Heart Socialist

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Herz-Jesu-Sozialist or Herz-Jesu-Marxist is a mocking, sometimes derogatory term for a supporter of Catholic social teaching and / or a representative of the workers' wing of the CDU / CSU .

From a Christian perspective, Catholic social teaching emphasizes the importance of the common good , justice and solidarity , which are traditionally positions of the political left. In doing so, it does not make use of any socialist, Marxist theses in the narrower sense, even if Christian social ethicists have less antipathy towards social democrats and moderate Marxists than other representatives of the political right.

The term is often used disparagingly by representatives of other political currents. Social democrats and trade unionists use the term in this sense to dismiss the Christian Democratic employee representatives competing with them as sentimental and religious. Representatives of the conservative and the economically liberal wing of the Union and FDP use the term to express the fact that the so-called represent a social democratic to socialist policy.

The term refers to the veneration of the Sacred Heart , a form of expression of Catholic spirituality that actually has nothing to do with political and social issues.

The long-standing Federal Minister for Labor and Social Affairs Norbert Blüm is a classic example of a Sacred Heart Socialist . The former CDU General Secretary Heiner Geißler and, more recently, the former Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer and the former North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers are often referred to as Herz-Jesu Socialists.

See also
