Hay weir blower

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The hay weir blower ( or also: hay weir blower cooling device ) is used when there is a risk of hay spontaneously igniting.

In advance, the temperature inside is measured with a hay probe at several points on the haystack.

  • At temperatures up to 50 ° C there is no danger; normal fermentation takes place here .
  • Measurements should be repeated at temperatures between 50 ° C and 60 ° C, as the temperature could rise quickly.
  • At temperatures of 70 ° C or more there is an acute risk of fire. Now the Heuwehr blower cooling device is used: First, the location of the heat source is determined (measuring probe). Then six tube probes, the ends of which are provided with holes, are pushed into the interior of the haystack. If the heating is particularly strong, small amounts of water can now be poured into the interior from containers. The fan now sucks the hot air, the gases and the resulting water vapor to the outside. This venting process takes several hours. When the temperature has dropped below 50 ° C, the blower is set to "ventilate" and the fresh air drawn in from outside is blown into the interior of the haystack for further cooling. This continues until temperatures of approx. 25 ° C are reached. But even after that, the haystack has to be watched for some time. The extinguishing water supply must be established during the entire operation (water on the pipe).


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