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The Hexateuch (Ἑξάτευχος - composed of ancient Greek ἕξ héx 'six' and τεῦχος teũchos 'vessel' - i.e. ' six vessel') is understood to mean the first six books of the Old Testament in the Bible , i.e. the Pentateuch together with the book of Joshua .

The term is said to have been coined by Julius Wellhausen in 1876 , but can be found before that with Eberhard Schrader . The term was based on the Pentateuch (for the five books of Moses). In biblical exegesis, scientific research sees a literary connection between the Book of Genesis and Joshua. Jos 24  EU can be read as the fulfillment of an obligation found in Gen 50  EU .

Individual evidence

  1. The Composition of the Hexateuch and the historical books of the Old Testament ; 4th rev. Editionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Ddiecompositionde00well~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn5~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3D%27%27Die%20Composition%20des%20Hexateuchs%20und% 20der% 20historical% 20B% C3% BCcher% 20des% 20Old% 20Testament% 27% 27% 3B% 204.% 20unv.% 20 edition ~ PUR% 3D , De Gruyter, Berlin 1963.
  2. 'Mareike Rake: "Juda will rise!": Investigations on the first chapter of the book of judges , Walter de Gruyter, 2006, p. 8.
  3. Textbook of the historical-critical introduction to the Old and New Testament Bible, Part 1 containing the introduction to the OT and to the Bible collection in general , Georg Reimer, Berlin, 1869
  4. Erich Zenger : Die Bücher der Tora / des Pentateuch , in: Erich Zenger et al.: Introduction to the Old Testament , Kohlhammer, 2001 (4th edition), p. 67