High North Alliance

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The High North Alliance (Norwegian: Høge Nord Alliansen) is an umbrella organization of several municipal interest groups for northern European fishing and whaling . The aim of the organization is to shape the right of whalers, seal hunters and fishermen to use renewable resources on the basis of a balanced economic equilibrium.

The alliance was formed in 1991 in response to efforts by environmentalists and scientists to completely ban commercial whaling . The alliance is organized by a committee of six members. Three of them come from Norway and one each from the Faroe Islands , Greenland and Iceland . Funding comes from membership fees and donations, including from organizations such as the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission and regional development committees in Norway.

The main activities include lobbying the Norwegian government to increase the acceptance of whaling and the International Whaling Commission to achieve a more moderate approach to whaling. In addition, there is funding for research into “more humane” whaling methods and responses to actions organized by anti-whaling groups such as the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and Greenpeace .