Historical ecology

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The Historical Ecology is a branch of ecological research and examines the development of ecosystems or individual species in historical perspective. In contrast to environmental history , historical ecology focuses on the effects on natural systems.

Mostly a landscape change is examined, which can include natural and anthropogenically influenced, temporal changes in the landscape . Most of the time, a landscape change does not take place suddenly, but in a gradual landscape succession. This applies to natural landscapes as well as to cultural landscapes .

In historical ecology, the species compositions of an ecosystem are partially examined. The results of this research can be a landscape planning which tries to maintain a diverse and ecologically efficient landscape structure through long-term controlled landscape development.


  • Paul Leidinger : Concept and question of historical ecology in history and history lessons. In: Paul Leidinger (Ed.): Historical ecology and ecological learning in historical-political lessons. Series: history, politics and their didactics, special issue 5, Schöningh, Paderborn 1986, ISBN 3-506-23955-4 .
  • William L. Balée: Advances in Historical Ecology. Columbia University Press, New York 1998 ISBN 0-231-10632-7
  • D. Egan & EA Howell (Eds.): The Historical Ecology Handbook: A Restorationist's Guide to Reference Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington (DC) 2001
  • Matthias Bürgi: Historical ecology in and around the forest. Swiss Journal of Forestry, 154, 8, pp. 328–332, 2003 ( PDF , German)
  • William L. Balée & Clark L. Erickson: Time and Complexity in Historical Ecology. Columbia University Press, New York 2006 ( Introduction as PDF , English)
  • Matthias Bürgi: Historical ecology - an interdisciplinary research approach, illustrated using the example of forest litter use. Gaia, 17, 4, pp. 370-377, 2008

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Landscape development The Lexicon of the Earth. Retrieved February 5, 2014