Wilhelm Hofmayr

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Wilhelm Hofmayr (before 1906 - after 1919) was a German-speaking Catholic missionary and ethnologist .

His main work is the monograph on the history, religion and life of the Niloten tribe of the Schilluk , using material from the missionary Wilhelm Banholzer . Hofmayr stayed in Schillukland with a few interruptions from 1906 to 1916, in the Tonga station and also temporarily in Lull.

During and after the First World War he was interned in Sidi Bihr (Alexandria) from 1916 to 1919 .


  • The Schilluk: history, religion, etc. Life e. Nile tribe. According to P. Banholzers FSC a. own record. St. Gabriel, Mödling b. Vienna: Administration of the Anthropos (Anthropos Ethnological Library; Vol. 2, H. 5)