Homecoming (TV series) / Season 1

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Season 1 of Homecoming
Episodes 10
Country of production United States
Initial release Nov 2, 2018 on Prime Video

First publication in German
Feb 22, 2019 on Prime Video
Episode list

The first season of the US television series Homecoming has been available in German on Amazon Prime Video since February 22nd .


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German title Original title script
1 1 Compulsory program Mandatory Eli Horowitz , Micah Bloomberg
The soldier Walter Cruz left the military in 2018 after several compulsory missions and volunteered at the Homecoming aid facility, which helps former employees to reintegrate into civil life as smoothly as possible. His advisor at Homecoming is Heidi Bergman, whose manager Colin Belfast is putting pressure on her to provide her with certain information about the aid program as soon as possible. In 2022 Heidi works as a waitress in a fast-food restaurant and is visited there by Thomas Carrasco, who is investigating on behalf of the Ministry of Defense. He asked her about an old complaint from an employee that Cruz was being held there against his will, but Heidi replied that she couldn't remember.
2 2 pineapple Pineapple Eli Horowitz
In 2018, Cruz received homecoming as planned, including daily medication. His cynical friend Joseph Shrier, whom he once served with, appears paranoid and doubts they are there to actually get help. Since arriving at Homecoming by military flight, Shrier has believed they weren't even in Florida, and he hasn't taken his daily pills. Because of a pineapple dish served with the meal, Shrier says Cruz suspects they are being manipulated into thinking they are in Florida, after which he breaks out loud screams in the dining room. In 2022, Carrasco asked Cruz's mother, Gloria Morisseau, who was also uncooperative, but was surprised that Heidi Bergman could not remember Cruz. Carrasco informs its superiors about its findings.
3 3 Optically Optics David Wiener
In 2018, Shrier persuaded Cruz to move outside the Homecoming building. Shrier steals a van that they drive around in for hours without meeting anyone. Then they reach a seemingly empty inner city before being convinced that this is a retirement community. As a result, Shrier is excluded from the homecoming program. Belfast wants Cruz to leave too, but Bergman convinces him that if Cruz gets through it after some initial disciplinary problems, it will work better for the program. In 2022, Bergman meets with former boyfriend Anthony, who reminds her how her dedication led to her professional career, including constant calls from her boss about the end of their relationship. Anthony is amazed when Heidi cannot remember Belfast. Despite pressure to close the case, Carrasco follows up on his suspicions and continues to investigate Homecoming. In archived documents, he discovers that Cruz and Bergman both left Homecoming on the same day, May 15, 2018, when Cruz was disfellowshipped for violence and Bergman was hospitalized.
4th 4th redwood redwood Micah Bloomberg
In 2018, Cruz is upset that Shrier was disfellowshipped and his belongings thrown away, including the harmonica that belonged to Lesky, who was once part of their unit. Bergman returns the instrument to Cruz, and Cruz tells her how Lesky was killed in a bomb explosion after Cruz reassigned him to another vehicle. Cruz speaks to his mother, who is concerned about him and his unclear behavior. In 2022, Carrasco went to the Geist group of companies that once operated Homecoming and spoke to Belfast, who could not remember either Homecoming or Bergman. Bergman is shocked to learn that she was once hospitalized and has significant memory loss. She finds her old phone and notices that Belfast kept calling her. She then calls him, but he immediately hangs up again.
5 5 Help Helping Cami Delavigne
In 2018, Bergman and Cruz play some pranks on each other. One of them involves Cruz arranging staples, pens and other items from Bergman's desk that she obsessively arranges there at random angles and leaving them for Bergman. Another consists of bringing a loud pelican, heard inside, into Bergman's office from the outside, whose screams interrupt the meetings of the two. Belfast learns that Bergman Cruz returned his harmonica and then calls them to alert them to the purpose of Homecoming, which is to use medication to eradicate post-traumatic stress disorder and eradicate harmful responses to traumatic memories. Belfast informs Bergman that she returned an item that made Cruz think of the memories they are trying to stamp out. In 2022, Carrasco tracks down Shrier, who is apparently mentally degrading and says that he warned Cruz about Bergman and that she knew everything. Belfast goes to Tampa to intimidate Bergman at work, but is shocked and relieved to learn that she doesn't even recognize him. When he happens to notice that Carrasco has already been there, he is alarmed.
6th 6th toy Toys Shannon Houston
In 2018 and two weeks after hearing nothing from her son, Walter Cruz's mother Gloria finds out that the homecoming is being run by the Ghost group. She believes that Geist , who is also the manufacturer of various household cleaners, has other motives for Walter's stay there. She goes to Tampa and convinces him to leave Homecoming, but then lets Heidi Berman convince her to stay there again. When Gloria drives home alone, she calls a Department of Defense hotline pretending to be a Homeland employee; she complains anonymously that Walter Cruz is being held there against his will. In 2022, Belfast follows Bergman, who still cannot remember him, into a laundromat and starts flirting with her. He introduces himself to her by the false name Hunter and pretends to have worked for the military, has just returned from Afghanistan and has now been left by his wife. Belfast has a date with Bergman and sleeps with her. Then she confides in him that something is wrong but she doesn't know what it is.
7th 7th test test Eric Simonson
In 2018, in the fifth week of treatment, Bergman is shocked to learn that Cruz suddenly can't remember a joke he played with Shrier and Lesky, an operator. Nor does he remember Lesky's death, which he described in detail the previous week. Belfast ignores Bergman's alarm and slips out that the success of the medications means that these soldiers will be empowered to be redeployed. In 2022, Carrasco approaches Walter Cruz's mother, Gloria, from whom he receives audio recordings of Walter's treatment sessions with Bergman. Shocked to hear she sent the tapes to Gloria, Bergman tells Hunter, who goes by the name of Belfast, that she must go to Homecoming to find Belfast. He insists on going with her.
8th 8th protocol Protocol Eli Horowitz
In 2022, Carrasco was scolded by his supervisor Pam for wasting time investigating the homecoming protocol. Angry about this, he breaks into the Homecoming offices that are closed for renovation. Meanwhile, Bergman and Belfast are exploring an adjacent, architecturally similar office building, which Bergman mistakenly believes to be their previous location. Bergman realizes she's never been there before, and that only makes her feel more lost. Carrasco sees Bergman and Belfast through the window of the other building. At that moment, Bergman hears a pelican screaming loudly, which allows her to remember Belfast again. She runs away from him while Carrasco pursues her. Belfast insults and humiliates Carrasco, which upset Bergman so much that she throws him into a fountain. Bergman leaves the area with Carrasco.
9 9 job Work Micah Bloomberg
In 2022, Bergman tries to make sense of her role in Homecoming. Carrasco reports the homecoming complaint to a Department of Defense investigator based on recent intelligence, but his manager calls Geist . In 2018, in the sixth week of treatment, Bergman is upset that Cruz explicitly speaks about his renewed commitment and his hope to reunite with Shrier (who, however, has been transferred to a psychiatric facility) and with Lesky, whose death he no longer remembers Has. She takes Cruz to another lunch in the cafeteria and eats with him, even though the meal is spiked with the high dose of memory-wiping drugs scheduled for week 6.
10 10 stop stop Eli Horowitz, Micah Bloomberg
In 2018, Bergman leaves the Homecoming building, taking the recordings of her sessions with her after treating Cruz against Belfast's wishes. The extra dose of food scheduled for week 6 means that Cruz is unable to work, and Bergman loses her memory. A homecoming clerk forges data on a computer to make it appear as if Cruz has been sent home for violent misconduct and Bergman has been sent to hospital. In 2022, Belfast will face its dispute with Carrasco at the Homecoming Center and its escalation of the complaint. Belfast panics and suggests that Geist could scapegoat Bergman by claiming she was a problematic employee. Meanwhile, Belfast's clerk Audrey has been appointed as his new boss and informs him that he is the one who will be declared the problem employee. Bergman drives to the town of Fish Camp, California, where Cruz left on an unforgettable tour as a teenager. She sees him in a fast-food restaurant, talks to him briefly and learns that he lives there carefree and obviously cannot remember her. In a scene after the credits , Belfast is seen with Audrey signing a document in which he assumes responsibility for any investigation. After leaving the room, Audrey becomes anxious and rubs the memory-wiping drug on her wrists.

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