Principle of homogeneity (economy)

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The principle of homogeneity is used to delimit regions in order to determine statistical indicators .

There are two procedures. The first method is a "multivariate statistical analysis method for delimiting homogeneous regions" (BATHELT et al. 2002: 45) or also called clustering . This method is used until the specified criterion in the recorded region becomes too inhomogeneous, or in other words, too heterogeneous.

There is also the indicator method, which uses GDP per capita and unemployment as statistical values . The regions can now be divided according to threshold values ​​and / or classes. One example of this is the detailed map material from Prognos AG .

Further spatial diagnostic units in addition to the principle of homogeneity are the functional principle and the administrative principle.


  • Harald Bathelt, Johannes Glückler: Wirtschaftsgeographie Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, ISBN 3825282171