
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Classification according to ICD-10
F80.0 Articulation disorder
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Hottentottism (also: vowel language ) is an outdated term for a universal dyslalia , a disorder of the utterance of sounds. “Universal” means that most of the sounds are affected and that vowels are predominantly used in utterances, so that the patient's speech is incomprehensible to the listener.

The term is now characterized as defamatory and / or racist.


  • Ulrike Franke: Logopedic hand dictionary . 7th supplemented edition. Reinhardt, Munich 2004. ISBN 3-8252-0771-4 .
  • Uwe Henrik Peters: Lexicon of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology, with an English-German dictionary attached. 6th, completely revised and expanded edition. Urban & Fischer, Munich 2007. ISBN 978-3-437-15061-6 .