Howieson's Poort Industry

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With Howieson's Poort industry a culture technique is Middle Stone Age in South Africa called. It is named after the Abri Howieson’s Poort Shelter near Howieson's Poort, which is on the road between Makhanda and Port Elizabeth . Settlement began around 65,800 years ago BP and ended after around 6,000 years, around 59,500 BP, as evidenced by OSL dating .

The stone tool industry has a high proportion of blades, the manufacturing method of which is seen as the forerunner of the Upper Paleolithic blade technology. The inventory was mistakenly assigned to the Magosian , a South African culture of the early Holocene, in the 1970s . This was related to charcoal dating between 19,000 and 4,000 BP, but from much more recent episodes of settlement in the cave.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Z. Jacobs, RG Roberts, RF Galbraith, HJ Deacon, R. Grün, A. Mackay, P. Mitchell, R. Vogelsang, L. Wadley: Ages for the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa: Implications for Human Behavior and Dispersal . Science Vol. 322, No. 5902 (2008), pp. 733-735.
  2. ^ J. Deacon: An Unsolved Mystery at the Howieson's Poort . South African Archaeological Bulletin 50/162 (1995), pp. 110-120.