Huang Rhys factor

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The Huang-Rhys factor is a measure of the interaction between the electrons bound to defects (such as color centers ) in a crystal and the phonons of the crystal and indicates the average phonons emitted during an electronic transition. Another example of the application of the Huang-Rhys factor is the interaction of molecular vibrations with electronic excitations.

If is the Stokes shift and the mean phonon energy, then the dimensionless Huang-Rhys factor is given by:

Sometimes will too

specified. Both values ​​are only approximately valid and intermediate values ​​also occur depending on the temperature.


  • Kun Huang, Avril Rhys: Theory of light absorption and non-radiative transitions in F-centers . In: Proc. Royal Society London, Series A . tape 204 , no. 1078 , December 22, 1950, p. 406-423 , doi : 10.1098 / rspa.1950.0184 (English, [accessed September 29, 2018]).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mathijs de Jong et al. a .: Resolving the ambiguity in the relation between Stokes shift and Huang-Rhys parameter, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 17, 2015, pp. 16959-16969, abstract