Huarochirí manuscript

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The Huarochirí manuscript (in modern Quechua notation: Waruchiri ) is a text written in Quechua from the end of the 16th century , in which myths, religious ideas and traditions of the indigenous people of the Huarochirí region are reproduced.

The main roles in the myths are played by mountain deities ( Wak'as ) , among them the opponents Paryaqaqa and Wallallu Qarwinchu , who also represent protective deities of the regional ethnic groups (Waruchiri, Wanka ).

As this text is unique with its detailed description of the traditional beliefs of the indigenous people, it is an important monument of early colonial Quechua literature .

The name of the original indigenous author is unknown, but the document was recorded and commented on by the Spanish clergyman Francisco de Ávila , in charge of eradicating pagan beliefs. The manuscript lay unnoticed for centuries in the royal library of the Spanish capital, Madrid .

The German ethnologist Hermann Trimborn rediscovered the document in Madrid, translated it into German and published it in 1939 in a bilingual edition. After most of the edition had been destroyed by the Second World War, an expanded and revised edition appeared in 1967. The Peruvian writer and anthropologist José María Arguedas first translated the text into Spanish in 1966 and also published it in two languages ​​(Quechua and Spanish).

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Literature / editions

  • Hermann Trimborn: Demons and Magic in the Inca Empire. Sources and research on the history of ethnology, Leipzig 1939.
  • Hermann Trimborn, Antje Kelm: Gods and Cults in Huarochirí . Source Works on Ancient American History Recorded in the Languages ​​of the Native, Volume 8. Verlag Mann, 1967.
  • José María Arguedas: Dioses y Hombres de Huarochirí (1966). Quechua text with Spanish translation
  • Huarochirí - An Andean Society Under Inca and Spanish Rule. Author: Karen Spalding (1984)
  • Gérald Taylor: Rites et Traditions de Huarochirí. (1995)
  • Frank Salomon, George L. Urioste: Huarochirí Manuscript: A Testament of Ancient and Colonial Andean Religion (1991). [Original Quechua and English translation by Frank Salomon and George L. Urioste]
  • Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz: The Voices of Huarochirí. Indian Quechua traditions from the colonial period between orality and written form. An analysis of their discourse . American Studies in Bonn, Volume 39, Aachen, 2007.