Hybrid exit

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The hybrid exit is a special excavation movement of the paddle in dragon boating and was first driven and taught in Canada.


The hybrid exit is performed by bending the wrist (pulling arm) inwards at the end of the pulling phase and turning the entire pulling arm outwards. The pressure hand rotates accordingly so that the paddle is led over the water with the edge first. During the excavation movement, the paddle cuts sideways with the edge first out of the water. The shaft of the paddle can have a significantly more sloping incline when moving (pressure hand lower) than with the traditional exit. In addition to perfect coordination, the prerequisite for performing the Hybrid Exit is greater arm strength, because the last few centimeters of the waterway are almost exclusively pulled out of the arm.

The hybrid exit enables a longer water path for the paddle and thus a longer period of propulsion per paddle stroke. In Germany, the Hybrid Exit is driven by the All Sports Team Hannover .


Hybrid exit
  • less wind resistance as the paddle is moved forward with the edge first
  • minor up and down movement of the upper body
  • higher frequencies possible with more waterways
  • quieter boat run
  • faster paddle forward movement
  • the maximum speed reached per paddle stroke is maintained over a longer period of time
  • longer waterway
  • Reduction of the risk of hitting the wave of the person in front when moving forward
  • Relief of the pressure arm shoulder
  • less spatter

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