Hybrid archiving

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Hybrid archiving means the simultaneous digital and analog storage of data .

It is therefore a two-stage storage / archiving concept. The background is on the one hand to enable a modern availability of stored / archived information / documents via data networks ; for this, the data is inevitably required digitally today. On the other hand, the concept solves the long-term backup (> 10 years) of data without the legal and technological risk that digital storage would entail. An analog backup medium is used - the microfilm . The data / documents on the film can necessarily be converted using appropriate techniques (scanning processes), i.e. can be integrated into IT systems / networks if necessary . In this way, if data is lost in the digital memory, the microfilm can provide a complete and valuable replacement. The shelf life of microfilm has been scientifically proven to be several hundred years.


  1. Reinhold Schmelter, German Microfilm Institute, DMI