Hybrid variety

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Hybridsort is a special sorting process that combines the properties of Bucketsort with other sorting processes such as Heapsort or Quicksort . The keys to be sorted are divided according to the bucket sort principle. The elements pre-sorted in this way are then finally sorted using the Heapsort algorithm. The sorted buckets are then joined together.


Similar to Bucketsort, the number of values ​​the sort keys can accept must be finite.


The elements of a list are distributed over a finite number of buckets according to their key properties. The keys are normalized to the interval using the maximum key . The limits in this interval are defined by the number of baskets . The elements are then distributed to the baskets using the following formula:

The keys distributed in this way are sorted within the baskets with Heapsort.

The pre-sorted and sorted baskets deliver the sorted list in a row.


Assuming that x i is independent and evenly distributed, a running time of up results in both the best and the average case of the method . In the general case, however, the runtime is significantly worse. The worst case is dominated by the runtime of Heapsort and is therefore .


  • Torben Hagerup: Hybridsort revisited and parallelized . In: Information Processing Letters . tape 32 , no. 1 , 1989, pp. 35-39 , doi : 10.1016 / 0020-0190 (89) 90066-5 .
  • Henk Meijer and Selim G. Akl: The design and analysis of a new hybrid sorting algorithm . In: Information Processing Letters . tape 10 , no. 4,5 , 1980, pp. 213-218 , doi : 10.1016 / 0020-0190 (80) 90143-X .