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The IAEVG ( International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance ) or AIOSP ( Association internationale d'orientation scolaire et professional ) (German: IVBBB - Internationale Vereinigung für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung ) is an international association of professional career counselors. It sees its mission in working to ensure that all people who need and want educational and career advice receive it from competent and recognized experts. In doing so, it wants to promote better educational and vocational qualifications at all levels, to work towards diversity and social justice in education and work, and to work in politics towards achieving a minimum quality standard in advisory services.

History and organization

The IAEVG was founded in 1951 and in 2010 had around 16,000 members in around 50 countries - mostly career advisers who work in the public sector. It is accredited by UNESCO and the ILO . She maintains relationships a. to the National Board for Certified Counselors of the USA ( NBCC ), with which guidelines for the recognition certification of counselors were drawn up. The IAEVG holds an international congress at least once a year. The president is Suzanne Bultheel (France).

The German association works closely with the Federal Employment Agency , but does not organize employment agencies.

Web links



  1. http://iaevg.net/iaevg.org/IAEVG/nav5e25.html?lang=2&menu=3&submenu=2