IBM 5550

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The IBM 5550 is a series of microcomputers that were marketed in East Asia in the 1980s and 1990s. It was marketed by combining the three roles of PC, typewriter and terminal in one computer.

The IBM PC , which had been on the market since 1981, could not handle East Asian languages ​​because the Intel 8088 processor used in the IBM PC was not powerful enough and the screen resolution was too low for the Chinese characters was.

Then the IBM 5550 was published, which used the more powerful Intel 8086 processor and a high-resolution screen with 1024 × 768 pixels (some variants only 720 × 512). Initially the IBM 5550 used its own architecture, later the micro channel architecture of the Personal System / 2 computer was adopted. The computer was first marketed in Japan in 1983, later versions for Korea, PR China and Taiwan followed. MS-DOS and OS / 2 were used as the operating system .

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