IP delivery

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IP delivery is a method for server-side client forwarding. With this method, the decision as to which content is delivered to the client is based on the IP address , which can be found in the HTTP request for the respective access.


IP delivery is used, among other things, to deliver region-specific content to visitors ( geotargeting ) and to implement user management applications. Furthermore, IP delivery is an effective defense against automated content theft, so-called content scraper . For this purpose, if a content scraper is accessed several times, the IP addresses are determined and a permanent 301 forwarding to useless content is implemented in the .htaccess file.

Search engine spam

With all its positive benefits, IP delivery is also an effective means of search engine spamming in the form of cloaking . Here IP delivery is used to identify search engine crawlers . The web crawlers of the search engine are then presented with a different page than the visitors. However, this method is not a panacea for spammers either, since search engines such as Google constantly access new IP addresses.