ISO 11940

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ISO 11940 is one of the International Organization for Standardization issued in 1992 and 1998, modified standard , a scientific transliteration of Thai writing the Latin alphabet defined.

In May 2007 a second part of the standard was published, which deals with simplified transcription of the Thai language and almost corresponds to the General Royal Thai transliteration system.

ISO 11940 uses various diacritical marks as well as special characters that are not included in the Unicode standard, which causes problems especially in data processing , for the faithful representation of the Thai characters in the Latin script . Hence, this transliteration scheme is not very common.

Certain implementations of this standard use minor changes to make them usable on the computer. Among other things, the problematic characters with horn , which are missing in Unicode, are replaced by digraphs with the minute sign .


Thai ISO Konsonanten.png


character Transliteration
- ะ a
- ั -
- า -
- ำ å
- ิ i
- ี ī
- ึ
- ื ụ̄
- ุ u
- ู ū
เ - e
แ - æ
โ - O
ใ - ı
ไ -
- ๅ ɨ

Stress mark

The stress marks are circumscribed with combining diacritics. These combine with the vowel to which the sign belongs, e.g. For example, the term ไม้เอก is represented as mị̂xek with a circumflex above the ị. A separate tilde is only used for the character Zeichen .

character Transliteration
_ ่ `
_ ้ ^
_ ๊ ´
_ ๋ ˇ
_ ็ ˘
_ ์ '
_ ๎ ~
_ ํ °
_ ฺ ˳

special character

The Romanization of the character and provides no vertical bars or the Cross of Lorraine , but rather are the clicking sound letters that in the Khoisan languages to represent the clicking sounds are used.

is represented differently depending on the context.

character Transliteration
ǂ, ǀ

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report on the Current Status of United Nations Romanization Systems for Geographical Names: Thai. September 2013, p. 3 (PDF, 125 kB)