IT industrialization

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IT industrialization refers to the transfer of industrial methods and processes to information technology (IT). The aim of this transfer process is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of IT areas in companies as well as of external IT service providers. The following basic concepts are taken into account during the transfer:

  • Change from project to product orientation : Holistic view of development and production processes in information management, instead of just focusing on application development.
  • Standardization of IT production : As in industrial production, production processes for IT products must achieve the greatest possible degree of standardization.
  • Standardization of sales : On the basis of standardized manufacturing processes, the sales portfolio of an IT service provider must be customer- and market-oriented.
  • Integrated service provision: Within the company, the individual areas of responsibility must be coordinated with one another.
  • Decreasing vertical range of manufacture : Companies are reducing their vertical range of manufacture by outsourcing certain services to suppliers.

Concepts in practice

  • ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)
  • COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)
  • IIM model (Integrated Information Management model)
  • MOF (Microsoft Operations Framework)

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