IT security officer

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The term IT security officer describes a professional position in companies and authorities who is responsible for the IT security of the technologies used and the associated processes. As a rule, the IT security officer reports disciplinary to the CSO , the chief security officer, and is organizationally active in the company's IT department.


The main tasks of the IT security officer include the development, adaptation, implementation and control of IT security guidelines , the establishment of a security management system and the implementation of protection requirements analyzes. He also identifies IT risks and plans IT security concepts. In the organizational environment, the IT security officer works with the company's data protection officer , the works council and internal auditing . The position of the IT security officer is a cross-sectional function that serves almost all parts of the company or the authority as a point of contact for questions relating to information security . Due to the high penetration of companies with information technology and the associated dependency, the position is gaining in importance and is being introduced in more and more companies.