Idernes (satrap)

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Idernes (also written Hydarnes , Greek: Ιδηρνης, old Persian: Vidarna , Elamtite: Miturna / Mitarna ) was a Persian satrap of the Achaemenid Empire in the 5th century BC.

Nothing is known about him except for his paternity to Terituchmes , Mitrostes, Helikos, Stateira († 400 BC), the wife of King Artaxerxes II , and Roxane. Possibly he descended from Hydarnes , one of the seven conspirators against Gaumata , in any case, according to the marriages of his children, his family should have belonged to the leading Persian nobility. He officiated in the time of the Great King Dareios II and his son was able to succeed him in his unspecified province in the governorship. In historical studies, he is assigned media as the most likely satrapy.


  • Hilmar Klinkott : The satrap. An Achaemenid office bearer and his room for maneuver (= Oikumene. Studies on ancient world history. 1). Verlag Antike, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-938032-02-2 (Also: Tübingen, University, dissertation, 2002).


  1. Ktesias von Knidos : Persika , in: The Fragments of the Greek Historians No. 688, Frag. 15, 55 [based on the edition by Dominique Lenfant ].
  2. See Klinkott, p. 514.