Iconic difference

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As iconic difference referred Gottfried Boehm , the "tension" or the "game" is inherent between "visible and the invisible, of thematically identifiable parts and unthematischem horizon" of each image (Gottfried Boehm How produce images sense, Berlin 2015, S. 210f .):

"What we encounter as a picture is based on a single basic contrast, that between a manageable total area and everything that it includes in terms of internal events. The relationship between the vivid whole and what it is in terms of individual determinations (color, shape, figure, etc. .) has been optimized in some way by the artist " (Boehm, Die Wiederkehr der Bilder ).

This statement forms the basis of modern image science and the iconic turn .

Boehm's definition of the term raises the problem, for example, that the moving image , i.e. the visual part of film and television, is excluded from his concept of image , because these total areas are by no means manageable.

See also
