Inch of water

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Physical unit
Unit name Inches of water column
Unit symbol
Physical quantity (s) pressure
In SI units
Derived from inch
See also: Torr , Pascal , meter of water column

The unit English inches of water , wc , inch water column (inch WC) , inAq , Aq , or inH 2 O is a non- SI unit for pressure . The unit is used in the Anglo-American system of measurement to measure pressure differences.

It is defined as the pressure of a column of water 1 inch high under standard conditions .

1 inH 2 = 248.84 Pa (60 ° F)
= 2.4884 mbar or hPa (60  ° F )
= 0.0254 mH 2 O (4 ° C)
≈ 0.0024558598569 atü
≈ 1.86645349124 Torr or mmHg (0 ° C)
≈ 0.0360911906567 PSI

Individual evidence

  1. Robert H. Perry, Don W. Green (Eds.): Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook , 7th. Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1997, pp. 1-5.