Industrial community research

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In the pre-competitive industrial joint research (IGF) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) since 1954 , companies, predominantly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), an industry or a technology field can be found in the research associations of the Working Group of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke " together. In the IGF, companies can solve common problems through joint research activities carried out by university institutes and other research centers. In this way, similar research needs are bundled in a pre-competitive manner and risk is distributed. In addition, this research contributes to the application-oriented qualification of the next generation.

As a system provider for all aspects of research and development, the research associations offer services as a guide to technological change. Through membership in a research association and participation in its committees, companies can determine research directions and priorities. The participation of industry representatives enables the early transfer of knowledge to the company. With the help of the IGF, SMEs can continuously gain the latest knowledge for the further development of products, processes and services as well as questions of quality assurance, environmental protection or standardization. The results are available to all interested companies.

The IGF approach is based on an industry-driven selection of project ideas and their quality control. The research associations and around 140 voluntary AiF experts from business and science are involved. The industry finances the infrastructure that is required for the public funding of its research projects.

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