Initiative New Music Berlin

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The Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e. V. (INM) is a cultural-political forum for actors of new music in Berlin , founded and financed by the Berlin Senate Culture Administration . It promotes projects and events, advises musicians and ensembles and connects the actors of the local cultural scene with one another: composers, ensembles, organizers, politicians, business representatives and journalists. Members of the INM include the Berlin Academy of the Arts , the Berlin Society for New Music (BGNM), the “Unheard Music” concert series and the German Association of Composers .


The Initiative Neue Musik e. V. was founded in 1991 shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Every year, a jury (not necessarily INM members) determined by the membership, selects the most interesting from a plethora of submitted projects. From 2000 to 2008, more than 250 projects were funded, which took place in over 80 different locations in Berlin, for example in the Konzerthaus , the Philharmonie , the Akademie der Künste, HAU 1 and the Podewils'schen Palais, in industrial plants and public places, on the radio, in schools, museums, theaters, clubs, cinemas and studios.

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