Integration company

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An integration company is a legally independent special company in the general labor market. It is characterized by the fact that it pursues economic goals and at the same time permanently employs people with disabilities in a large proportion (30 to 50%) of its jobs . Integration companies, like integration companies and integration departments, are among the instruments of SGB ​​IX for the permanent professional integration of disabled people.

In 2017 there were 895 of these companies in Germany with over 27,700 jobs, including around 13,000 for severely disabled people .

Integration companies are run by their owners on their own entrepreneurial responsibility and receive compensation for disadvantages from the equalization levy for the special effort associated with employing a high proportion of people with disabilities. As a rule, they employ 30% to 50% people with disabilities on a collective bargaining basis or on open-ended employment contracts with at least local wages .

Integration projects are defined in Sections 215 ff. Of SGB IX. There, the more detailed provisions on the group of people and funding are regulated. It is important to the legislature that private companies should also be motivated to create jobs for people with disabilities, e.g. B. in integration departments and companies; Private-sector companies can also expressly claim the corresponding compensation for disadvantages for integration companies and integration projects ( Section 217 SGB ​​IX, Section 27 SchwbAV).

The federal association of integration companies is the BAG inclusion companies e. V. This BAG represents the companies in the so-called advisory board for the participation ( § 86 SGB ​​IX) of disabled people defined in SGB IX . At the European level, the integration companies work together within the framework of Social Firms Europe ( Network of Social Firms in Europe , CEFEC).

The BAG inclusion companies e. V. operates a consulting company for companies that also want to employ people with disabilities on the basis of regular employment contracts on a permanent basis, called "Fachberatung für Arbeits- und Firmenprojekte / FAF non-profit GmbH". In addition to this GmbH, there are - depending on the federal state - other organizations or companies that offer advice on setting up integration companies.


  • BIH Federal Working Group of Integration Offices and Main Welfare Offices (ed.): ABC Fachlexikon. Employment of severely disabled people. 6th revised edition, Cologne 2018.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Inklusionsfirmen e. V.
  3. Expert advice for work and company projects (FAF) non-profit GmbH
  4. LWL inclusion office for Westphalia-Lippe - inclusion companies. In: Retrieved June 7, 2019 .
  5. Inclusive businesses: Municipal Association for Youth and Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg (KVJS). In: Retrieved June 7, 2019 .