Intercultural Achievement Award

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The Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) was launched in 2014 by the “Dialogue of Cultures” task force based in the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA) in cooperation with the Austrian embassies and cultural forums abroad as a key intercultural dialogue project. The annual award honors successful and innovative Austrian and international projects in the field of intercultural dialogue. It recognizes projects that successfully break new ground in intercultural dialogue, have mastered a specific challenge through intercultural action, and which promote dialogue between cultures and religions through their media presence.

The IAA 2018 will be awarded for the best project in the categories "Sustainability", "Topicality", "Innovation", "Media" in addition to a special "Integration in Austria" prize and is endowed with prize money of 5,000 to 10,000 euros.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Austria: Intercultural Achievement Award - BMEIA, Foreign Ministry Austria. Retrieved March 2, 2018 .