Interest group for maintenance and family law

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The Interest Association for Maintenance and Family Law (ISUV / VDU) has been working in all areas of family law since 1968 and, with around 6,000 members, is the nationwide family law association in the Federal Republic of Germany with the largest number of members. The association is a self-help organization of its members and is open to all members and only to those seeking help in the area of ​​family and maintenance law.

The association is as the Central Tax Office Nuremberg -profit recognized and the District Court of Nuremberg in the Register of Associations under registration no. 3569 registered.

The chairman of the federal board is Klaus Zimmer. His deputies are Günter Teichert, Melanie Ulbrich and Ralph Gurk.


Two different associations originally existed in the 1970s:

  • ISUV - Interest & Protection Association of Dependent Fathers & Mothers, which originally dealt with tax issues. Later the entire family and maintenance law was added.
  • VDU - Association of Payers of Maintenance was an association predominantly of illegitimate fathers

In 1988 both associations merged to form the "Interest Association Maintenance & Family Law", but kept both abbreviations due to their popularity.

Goals of the association

ISUV / VDU calls for fundamental reforms of the applicable family and maintenance law and related areas of law (e.g. tax law, inheritance law) as well as further reforms of child law. The association endeavors to contribute to the general improvement of the legal situation in the area of ​​family and maintenance law.

He pursues his goals

  • Public relations work on questions of family, maintenance and child rights,
  • Influence on legislation and jurisprudence through comments on legislative (amendment) projects and procedures, e.g. B. at the ECHR , the BVerfG and the BGH , the BMJ , through working groups on key issues and a. m.,
  • Promoting the exchange of experiences and solidarity among the members,
  • human support and mediation of advice for affected members,
  • Support of model legal disputes (in special individual cases) in matters of general interest.

See also

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