Intergenerational learning

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Intergenerational learning is a cross-generational didactic in which younger and older learners learn from one another, with one another and / or about one another, depending on the learning setting. As a pedagogical approach, intergenerational learning is becoming increasingly important in the face of demographic change . There are currently different lines of development in the context of school education and adult education , not infrequently also in the context of social and voluntary engagement .


  • Eva-Maria Antz, Julia Franz, Norbert Frieters, Annette Scheunpflug and Markus Tolksdorf: Generations learn together: theory and practice of intergenerational education . wbv Bertelsmann, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 978-3-7639-3882-7 .
  • Julia Franz: Facilitating intergenerational learning: Orientations for learning between generations in adult education . wbv Bertelsmann, Bielefeld 2009, ISBN 3-7639-3344-1 .
  • Franz Kolland: The ADD LIFE European Tool Kit for the development of intergenerational learning in universities and higher education . Graz 2009.
  • Timo Jacob: Dialogue between Generations. Life - Society - School: A plea for intergenerational pedagogy . Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler 2006.
  • Markus Marquard, Marlis Schabacker-Bock and Carmen Stadelhofer: Old and young in a learning exchange: A working aid for intergenerational learning projects . Juventa, Weinheim 2008, ISBN 978-3-7799-2128-8 .
  • Andreas Meese: Learning through the exchange of generations . In: THE magazine . No. 2/2005 . Frankfurt 2005, p. 37 ff .

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  1. See Meese p. 37f.
  2. See Jacob p. 114ff.
  3. See Franz
  4. See Marquard / Schabacker-Bock / Stadelhofer