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Overview of the hall for model railways (2013)

The Intermodellbau is an annual fair in April in Dortmund's Westfalenhallen . With 574 exhibitors, the five-day fair is the largest of its kind in the world. From 2005 to 2008, it was held in combination with Hobbytronic , a fair for hobby electronics and computers. In 2013, parallel to the 35th Intermodellbau, the experTEC took place for the first time , a forum for discerning aircraft model builders .

The organizer is Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH.

The fair attracts around 88,000 people every year to the 52,405 m² exhibition area in seven halls. It is a public fair for experienced model makers, but also for newbies. In addition to the sales areas for thousands of dealers, extensive areas are reserved for model making clubs. The model makers show dozens of model landscapes, present ships on a huge demonstration pool and let planes and helicopters fly through the air. Model trucks on a scale of 1: 8 and 1:16 also show what they can do. For several years now, free flight campaigns in the neighboring Rote Erde stadium have also been part of the program on two days of the fair.

Since the 40th Intermodellbau in 2018, the fair has been held on four instead of the usual five days. According to the wishes of the manufacturers and dealers, this should reduce the effort involved.

Web links

Commons : Intermodellbau  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Data & facts about experTEC. Retrieved April 27, 2013 .
  2. Data sheet of Intermodellbau. (PDF; 103 kB) Accessed April 27, 2013 .
  3. ↑ The number of visitors to Intermodellbau remains stable. Retrieved April 27, 2013 .
  4. INTERMODELLBAU becomes more focused. (No longer available online.) July 25, 2017, archived from the original on March 9, 2018 ; accessed on March 8, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /