International Midwives Day

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The International Hebammentag will each since 1991 on May 5 more committed now than 50 countries to midwives to honor and their work and to point out the importance of midwives to society.

The idea for an International Midwives Day was first presented at the International Midwives Congress in 1987 in the Netherlands, after corresponding proposals had been discussed in the member organizations of the International Confederation of Midwives. International Midwives Day was celebrated for the first time in 1991, and International Midwives Day has been held regularly since 1992. The motto of the International Midwives Day until 2015 is: “The world needs midwives more than ever”.

On International Midwives Day, midwives draw attention to their professional situation. In Germany z. For example, International Midwives' Day 2010 was used to submit an online petition to the German Bundestag to draw attention to the difficult professional situation of freelance midwives. On Midwives Day in 2015, the professional group draws attention to the rising costs for professional liability insurance, which is mandatory for the practice of the profession. In Baden-Württemberg, many midwives have pointed out the catastrophic professional situation with so-called "pregnant women flash mobs".


Individual evidence

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