Internet Protocol over Fiber Channel

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With Internet Protocol over Fiber Channel ( IPFC ), the Internet Protocol ( IP ) is packaged in Fiber Channel packets and transported over a Storage Area Network (SAN). IPFC is described as an open standard in RFC 2625 and is supported by various manufacturers. Since the hardware in the Fiber Channel area is many times more expensive than Ethernet hardware with a comparable bandwidth, this type of implementation is only used in very special situations.

The T17 committee was set up by the INCITS, which is responsible for Fiber Channel, Fiber Channel over Ethernet and now EoFC. The T17 is responsible for all specifications relating to EoFC, and in particular forms the interface between the two technologies. To ensure compatibility with older Ethernet or TCP / IP stacks, the protocol offers Ethernet interfaces to the host operating system.

The technology is currently suffering from a lack of interoperability between manufacturers, which is why you should weigh up whether the products fit together before setting up.


  • RFC 2625 - IP and ARP over Fiber Channel

See also

Individual evidence

  1. IP over Fiber Channel (ipfc): IP over Fiber Channel (ipfc) accessed on February 13, 2017
  2. Ethernet over Fiber Channel: Ethernet over Fiber Channel , accessed February 7, 2017.