Internet Service Providers Austria

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The Internet Service Providers Austria ( ISPA ) is the association of Austrian internet provider.

The ISPA was founded in 1997 by several Austrian Internet service providers and the University of Vienna as a registered association. It supports the concerns and interests of around 200 member companies - telecommunications operators as well as providers or content providers.

The main goal of ISPA is to promote the Internet in Austria. She wants to draw attention to the positive side effects of global networking. For ISPA, using the Internet is not just about technology and economic aspects, but also about the socio-cultural factor. ISPA is also active in the field of media education and the promotion of digital skills. Various brochures and guides are aimed at end consumers and provide information about possible challenges in everyday digital life, such as data protection or computer security . Topics that have gained in importance in recent years are copyright , hate postings in social networks, such as defamation or hate speech . The ISPA has also been a project partner of SaferInternet Austria since 2005 .

In 1998 the ISPA founded the Austrian domain administration , in 2000 the board of the ISPA decided to subordinate 100% to the internet private foundation .

Mission statement

ISPA - Internet Service Providers Austria - is the umbrella organization for the Internet industry. Your concern is the creation of optimal economic and legal conditions for the development of the Internet. The ISPA regards the use of the Internet as a decisive cultural technology and takes on the resulting socio-political responsibility.

Web links

  • - Official website of ISPA