Invasion of the Aldebaran

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Invasion vom Aldebaran (orig .: Inwazja z Aldebarana , 1959) by the Polish author Stanisław Lem is a science fiction short story that first appeared in German in the short story collection Test (1968). It tells of an unsuccessful attempt by two residents of the Aldebaran to colonize the earth.


After the two emissaries had been able to feed their telepathic (translator) with the samples from the Jupiter system , they decided to take a closer look at the third, less interesting planet of the solar system . As soon as it entered the atmosphere , the first signs of a higher civilization were visible. The Aldebarans mainly colonized such planets because they did not have to invest so much in structural and industrial ventures.

When the two pioneers discovered a street late in the evening, they were immediately able to model the image of a two-legged being (on the run) with their ultrascope. Disguised in this costume, they began their first attempts at communication with a strongly swaying biped who passed the street a short time later. It was about Frank Jołas, who shortly before had an argument with Franek Pajdrak. The latter now believed that two committed thugs would ambush him, and in the affect beats the Aldebarans to death.