Investissement Québec

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Investissement Québec is a state-owned Canadian investment company based in the city of Québec .

It was established in 1998 by law passed by the Québec National Assembly to encourage investment by local and international companies in Québec. In December 2010, Investissement Québec took over the holding Société générale de financement .

On June 23, 2016, Investissement Québec founded the partnership C Series Aircraft Limited Partnership ( CSALP ) together with Bombardier Aerospace and took over 49.5% of the shares. As part of the majority takeover by Airbus at CSALP on July 1, 2018, the stake initially decreased to 19%, but after Bombardier's exit it is 25%.

Individual evidence

  1. Act respecting Investissement Québec and La Financière du Québec. Retrieved December 14, 2017 .
  2. Investissement Québec officially in operation - A New, More Efficient and Powerful Corporation | News. In: Retrieved December 14, 2017 .
  3. Province of Québec joins the C-Series. In: October 28, 2015, accessed October 29, 2015.
  4. From July 1, 2018: Airbus, Bombardier and Investissement Quebec decide to start the C Series partnership. Airbus press release of June 8, 2018 (PDF).
  5. Dennis Kazooba: Bombardier withdraws completely from the A220 program. In: February 13, 2020, accessed February 13, 2020 .

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