Irom Chanu Sharmila

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Irom Chanu Sharmila

Irom Chanu Sharmila (also Irom Sharmila Chanu ; born March 14, 1970 in Manipur ) is an Indian human rights activist .


Chanu worked for a non-governmental organization investigating acts of violence by the military. In Manipur to reports accumulated over Militätrsgewalt because the AFSPA Act (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) in troubled areas house searches, arrests, use of force during interrogations and use enables the weapon without special authorization.

On November 2, 2000, Chanu took part in a peace march. On the same evening, an anti-terrorist force shot and killed ten civilians, whereupon they questioned the effectiveness of their work and such peace marches. She went on a hunger strike until this law was abolished. A few days later, she was arrested for attempted suicide and given a year in prison. After she was released, she was arrested again and sentenced to another year.

Because she didn't want to stop her fast, she was force-fed and isolated in the hospital for 15 years. In January 2015 she was released because suicide is no longer a criminal offense in India.

On July 26, 2016, she announced that she would end her almost 16-year-long hunger strike on August 9, 2016 in order to take part in the elections in Manipur and thus continue her “fight” in politics.

Web links

Commons : Irom Chanu Sharmila  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Irom Sharmila: India activist to end fast after 16 years - (English) Retrieved September 20, 2016.