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Išbi-Erra ( Ischbi-Erra ) was around 2017 to 1985 BC. King and founder of the Isin dynasty .

In a sense he entered the legacy of the III. Dynasty from Ur . The chronology of his rise to power cannot be accurately determined; he recognized the authority of the King of Ur longer than a number of other city princes and did not appear as an independent ruler until after Ibbi-Suen 's twelfth year of reign.


During the next two or three years he was able to expand his sphere of influence to Nippur , which was crucial for the rule in Sumer .

Little is known about the next few years of government. Some texts speak of fortifications and indicate battles with Elamite invaders and the establishment of diplomatic relations with a number of nomadic tribes advancing into Mesopotamia .

After the destruction of Ur, the following picture emerges: The legitimacy of Išbi-Erra's sovereignty was recognized, probably partly as a result of his patronage over Nippur, in the north as far as Arrapḫa (today's Kirkuk ) and in the south as far as Dilmun (today's Bahrain ); one is therefore strengthened in the assumption that Išbi-Erra is the heir to the Empire of the III. Dynasty of Ur.

Eight years after the destruction of Ur, Išbi-Erra succeeded in driving out the enemy garrison that had been left in the ruins of the city. He later rebuilt the city and installed the statue of the moon god Nanna , the patron god of Ur, who had been dragged off to Anšan by the invaders . Thereby Išbi-Erras claim as the legitimate successor of the kings of the III. Ur dynasty further consolidated.

Little is known about the rulers who followed Išbi-Erra in a direct line for four generations.


  • Douglas R. Frayne: Old Babylonian Period (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia: Early Periods Vol. 4). University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1990. ISBN 0-8020-5873-6 . Pp. 6-14

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predecessor Office successor
- King of Isin
2017–1984 BC Chr.