Ixplorer 5003

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The radio play series Ixplorer 5003 was created in 2007 by the Hamburg law firm Dr. Bahr produces. In twelve episodes (running time between 15 and 20 minutes each), basically rather dry Jura content was integrated into a colorful framework, which provides entertaining entertainment for the listeners. Previous knowledge of law is not required. According to the makers of this series, the aim of this infotainment radio play series is to sensitize Internet users without appropriate knowledge to the potential legal dangers on the Internet.

When choosing the speakers for Captain Ormog and Andra, Andreas Fröhlich (Bob Andrews from “ Die Drei ??? ”) and Elena Wilms (“Peter Lundt: blind detective”) used well-tried and well-known voices.


Captain Ormog's home planet Neoplan 7 is threatened by the shadow creatures of subspace. Only the (supposed?) Intelligence of the Earthlings can still save the existence of Neoplan 7. Captain Ormog flies in the company of the female humanoid robot Andra in the spaceship Ixplorer 5003 through the vastness of space to fulfill his mission, the search for earthly intelligence.


  1. Departure into the unknown
  2. Snow in space
  3. Laika, the smiling bitch
  4. Trip into space
  5. The lost tooth
  6. Love greetings
  7. The parking maneuver
  8. The white noise
  9. The budget
  10. Leonidensturm
  11. The intergalactic breast miracle
  12. The last trace