József Ruzitska

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József Ruzitska [ ˈjoːʒɛf ˈruzitʃkɒ ] (* 1775 in Pápa ; † after 1823) was a Hungarian composer .


Ruzitska was initially a military bandmaster. Around 1820 he was Kapellmeister of the Joseph Regiment in Aiud (Nagyenyed) , then in 1821 theater musician in Großwardein (Nagyvárad) and from 1822 to 1823 theater conductor in Cluj (Kolozsvár) . After a trip to Italy in 1823 his traces are lost; The date and place of death are not known.

Ruzitska composed several operas .


  • Arany idők ("Golden Times"), Singspiel, 1821
  • Béla futása ("Bélas Escape"), opera, first performance in 1822
  • Kemény Simon avagy dicsőség a hazáért meghalni (“Simon Kemény or Glorious is to Die for the Fatherland”), opera, 1822