Lviv Jewish cemeteries

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The Jewish cemeteries in Lviv are different old Jewish cemeteries in the Ukrainian city ​​of Lviv :

Jews in Lviv
year Ges.-Bev. Jews proportion of
1857 55,800 22,586 40.5%
1869 k. A. k. A. k. A.
1880 110,000 30,961 28.2%
1890 128,000 36,130 28.2%
1900 160,500 44,258 27.6%
1910 206,500 57,387 27.8%
Destroyed tombstones on the site of the former old cemetery
  • Old graveyard. It was one of the oldest cemeteries in Eastern Europe . There are different statements about the oldest evidence of the cemetery. The years 1348, 1378, 1414 and 1480 are mentioned. Most grave stones date back to 1855. At that time a rampant cholera - epidemic , so that the cemetery finally was crowded and was closed. It was destroyed in 1947. Remains of destroyed tombstones from the old cemetery are still on the site of the former Jewish hospital in Rappoport-Straße.
  • New cemetery. It was rebuilt in 1855. In 1943 it was destroyed during the German occupation.
  • Small cemetery. This was newly laid out in 1872.

During the Nazi era , almost all of the city's Jewish residents - around 130,000 - were murdered.

The Lviv Jewish community does not currently have its own cemetery.

See also

Web links

Commons : Lviv Jewish Cemeteries  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Results of the censuses of the KK Statistische Central -ommission u. a., in: Anson Rabinbach : The Migration of Galician Jews to Vienna. Austrian History Yearbook, Volume XI, Berghahn Books / Rice University Press, Houston 1975, pp. 46/47 (Table III)