Jewish cemetery Krummacherstrasse

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The Jewish cemetery Krummacherstrasse
The mourning hall

The Jüdische Friedhof Krummacherstraße (also Jüdischer Friedhof am Eskesberg ) is a Jewish cemetery opened in 2008 in Wuppertal am Eskesberg in the Elberfeld-West district .

It is the first reopening of a Jewish cemetery in the region after around a hundred years. It is to be used by the Jewish communities in Wuppertal, Solingen and Remscheid . The construction costs for the design of the cemetery and the construction of the mourning hall were estimated at 800,000 to 1,000,000 euros in 2005. In addition to the donations received, the project was financed by a loan of 500,000 euros. The Jewish community had previously received the 21,000 m² property as a gift from the Evangelical Church District Elberfeld when they closed the nursery of the Krummacherstrasse cemetery .

Work on the site started in spring 2007 with the help of ARGE Wuppertal , which was able to deploy so-called one-euro job workers (work opportunities with additional expense allowance) for qualification and further training measures. The non-profit Wichernhaus also took part in the project.

The main entrance to the cemetery, which offers space for around 2000 graves, is adorned with the words “Jewish cemetery” in German and Hebrew. The associated mourning hall was opened on May 18, 2008. The mayors of the three cities, representatives of the Christian communities in Wuppertal and Yaakov Terner, mayor of the Wuppertal twin town of Be'er Scheva in Israel, were present at the ceremony . The architect of the 180 m² mourning hall with 60 seats was Hans Christoph Goedeking , who also designed the Bergische Synagoge . The three windows of the mortuary hall were designed by the Sprockhövel glass artist Udo Unterieser , they show the synagogues in Barmen , Solingen and Elberfeld .

Individual evidence

  1. Varresbeck: Mourning Hall is about to open Westdeutsche Zeitung (online) on April 29, 2008
  2. Varresbeck: Ceremony at the resting place Westdeutsche Zeitung (online) on May 19, 2008

Web links

Commons : Jüdischer Friedhof Krummacherstraße  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 15 '29.8 "  N , 7 ° 6' 4.4"  E