Jōri (Japan)

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Jōri ( Japanese 条理 ) denotes a legal source and rule of interpretation of Japanese law .

Capturing the nuances of meaning of the word in other languages ​​is difficult. So there are “nature of things”, “ reason ” (“reason”), “ nature des choses ” (“nature of things”), “natural reason”. Noda sees similarity with the " recta ratio " (for example: "healthy, normal reason") of Cicero or the "principes généraux du droit" ("[unwritten] general legal principles"). In § 3 of the (still valid) Dajōkan Decree No. 103 of 1875 ( 裁判 事務 心得 , saiban jimu kokoroe ), jōri is named as a third source of law in addition to written and customary law and should be a connecting element between old and new law and legal thought in provide a framework that has evolved over time: "Jôri is [...] also a benchmark that is not subject to fads, but on the other hand is not bound by statics either."

In legal practice, the term is particularly relevant in international private law , where it has an independent meaning alongside the principle of ordre public ( 公 の 秩序 , ōyake no chitsujo , or rarely kō no chitsujo ).


  • Thoralf Bölicke: The meaning of the term jôri for Japanese legal sources . In: Journal of Japanese Law . tape 1 , 1996, p. 7th ff .
  • W. Röhl: legal history to jôri . In: Heinrich Menkhaus (ed.): The Japanese in Japanese law . 1994, ISBN 3-89129-485-9 , pp. 39 ff .
  • S. Ishii: Comments on jôri and dôri . In: Heinrich Menkhaus (ed.): The Japanese in Japanese law . 1994, ISBN 3-89129-485-9 , pp. 50 ff .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Eubel: The Japanese legal system . Luchterhand, 1979, ISBN 3-472-68196-9 , p. 159, 166 .
  2. ^ Arthur von Mehren : Law in Japan: The Legal Order in a Changing Society . Harvard University Press, 1963, ISBN 0-674-51600-1 , pp. 5, 25 .
  3. Sugimura / Amano (eds.): Shin hôritsugaku jiten . 3. Edition. 1990, p. 748 .
  4. ^ Yoshiyuki Noda: Introduction to Japanese Law . University of Tokyo Press, 1976, pp. 187, 247 .
  5. ^ Rudolf Eisler : Dictionary of Philosophical Terms . tape 2 . Berlin 1904, p. 239 .
  6. Hans Peter Marutschke : Introduction to Japanese Law . CH Beck, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-55981-5 , § 2. II. Jôri - legal source and rule of interpretation, p. 17 .
  7. Hans Peter Marutschke: Introduction to Japanese Law . CH Beck, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-55981-5 , § 2. II. Jôri - legal source and rule of interpretation, p. 16 .