Jacobi transformation

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In the mathematics which is Jacobi transform a after the mathematician Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi named integral transformation , the Jacobi polynomials used as cores of transformation.

The Jacobian transformation of a function is


The inverse Jacobi transform is given by


Some Jacobi transform pairs

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Debnath, L. "On Jacobi transform." Bull. Cal. Math. Soc 55.3 (1963): 113-120.
  2. Debnath, L. "Solution of partial differential equations by Jacobi transform." Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 59.3-4 (1967): 155.
  3. ^ Scott, EJ "Jacobi transforms." (1953).
  4. Debnath, Lokenath, and Dambaru Bhatta. Integral transforms and their applications. CRC press, 2014.