Jacques de Cambrai

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Jacques de Cambrai (* around 1220 in Cambrai , present-day France) was a medieval composer and trouvère (troubadour). Apart from his birthplace Cambrai, which he probably left early, almost nothing is known about his life. The third quarter of the 13th century is considered to be his main creative period. His music is not necessarily considered innovative, but rather representative of the period of the High Middle Ages and the Flanders / Artois / Picardy region in which the composer lived. Only four love songs, seven spiritual songs (see example below) and a pastourelle in a manuscript in the Bern city library have survived .

Chanson pieuse

Retrowange novelle
Dirai et bone et belle
De la virge pucelle,
Ke maire est et ancelle
Celui ki de sa chair belle
Nos ait racheteit
Et ki trestous nos apelle
A sa grant clairteir.
Ce nos dist Isaïe
En une profesie:
D'une verge delgie,
De Jessé espanie,
Istroit flors per signorie
De tres grant biaulteit.
Or est bien la
profesie Torneie a verteit.

Celle verge delgie
Est la virge Marie
La flors nos senefie
De ceu ne douteis mie,
Jhesu Crist, ki la haichie
En la croix sousfri;
Fut por rendre ceays en vie
Ki lerent peri.

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