Hunting line

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The hunting line (also called the catch-up line) is an auxiliary line in shipping.

A hunting line is so strong that it can be used to pull the heavy tow line from the tugboat (mostly made of steel wire (wire hawser, steel hawser)) on board from the seagoing ship . For mooring, a light throw line is first thrown from the ship to the tug. However, this throw line is not able to pull the heavy tow line. This task is then taken over by the hunting line tied to the throw line, which then overtakes the actual, arm-thick steel cable.

Individual evidence

  1. a b tugs, assistance tugs ,
  2. Peter Pospiech: The agile power men , Vereinigung Europäische Schifffahrtsjournalisten e. V. (VEUS), November 16, 2016.