Japan Science and Technology Agency

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Authority headquarters in the Kawaguchi Center Building

The Kagaku gijutsu shinkō kikō ( Japanese 科学 技術 振興 機構 , about "Organization for the Promotion of Science and Technology", English "Japan Science and Technology Agency" , short JST) is a kokuritsu kenkyū kaihatsu hōjin ( 国立 研究 開 発 法人 , one Organizational form newly created in 2015, such as "[Central] State Research and Development Agency"; English "National Research and Development Agency" etc.) under the supervision of the Japanese Ministry of Culture and Science(English "Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology", "MEXT") to promote science and technology. It is based in the city of Kawaguchi in the south of Saitama Prefecture.

Precursors in 1957 appointed were Nihon Kagaku gijutsu Joho center ( 日本科学技術情報センター , such as "Japanese Information Center of Science and Technology", English. "JICST") and established in 1961 Shin-gijutsu jigyōdan ( 新技術事業団 , Jigyōdan [literally "Operating group", a form of organization of Japanese public institutions / companies] for new technology [s], English "JRDC"), which was particularly widespread in the 20th century, under the supervision of the authority for science and technology ( kagaku-gijutsu-chō English " Science ." and Technology Agency "; politically led authority with cabinet rank, a forerunner of the Ministry of Education and Science, not the authority described here). In 1996, the two were merged according to a law of the same name to form Kagaku gijutsu shinkō jigyōdan ( 科学 技術 振興 事業 団 , " Jigyōdan for the promotion of science and technology", English "Japan Science and Technology Corporation"). In 2003, the Jigyōdan was converted into an independent administrative body ( dokuritsu gyōsei hōjin , English "Independent Administrative Corporation" and others) according to a law of 2002 and received its current name. It took its current legal form in 2015.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. History (Japanese, English )