Johannes Rosenrod

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Birgitta of Sweden with her son Birger in front of Urban V. Lime painting by Johannes Rosenrod in the church of Tensta.

Johannes Rosenrod (in the 15th century) was one of the most distinguished artists among the painters who carried out the many church paintings in the Svea landscape in the late Middle Ages. Nothing is known about his person. Maybe he was German. His most important surviving works are the wall paintings in Tensta Church, 20 km north of Uppsala, which he signed himself in 1437. But he also left paintings in the Denmark Church in Uppsala. His style is characterized by rich and elegant floral ornaments that surround the powerfully painted figure scenes.


  • Jerker Rosén: “Magnus Eriksson, upprorsperioden 1356–1363.” In: Henning Stålhane (ed.): Den svenska historien 2: Medeltid 1319–1520. Stockholm 1966. pp. 42-47, 44. (1957) -
  • Allan Ellenius: "Lyckohjulet i Tensta kyrka och dess historiska innebörd" In: Fornvännen vol. 52 (1957) pp. 38–53, 42 f.